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富贵门插曲listen now(富贵门插曲)

大家好,我是小新,我来为大家解答以上问题。富贵门插曲listen now,富贵门插曲很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!

真名:O come emmanuel



富贵门英文歌《o come, o come emmanuel》 (11.03M) http://cachefile17.rayfile.com/zh-cn/download/ee3f3580525e769bd10b61d430e06a5c/O%20Come%20O%20Come%20Emmanuel%20%20%E9%9A%8F%E9%A3%8E%E8%80%8C%E6%9D%A5%E2%80%B0.mp3 若无效请点击下面链接下载: http://www.rayfile.com/zh-cn/files/9be69957-c9b4-11de-aa18-0014221b798a/ 歌词: "富贵门英文插曲 o come, o come emmanuel" O come, o come emmanuel to free your captive Israel. That mourns in lonely exile here, until the Son of God appear. Rejoice! Rejoice! O Israel, to you shall come Emmanuel. Veni, veni, Emanuel! Captivum solve Israel! Qui gemit in exilio, Pivatus Dei Filio. Gaude, gaude, Emanuel Nascetur pro te, Israel. ..music.. Gaude, gaude, Emanuel Nascetur pro te, Israel. Gaude, gaude, Emanuel Nascetur pro te, Israel.

